How to Encourage Students to Be More Active in Classrooms?
Staying attentive and involved during class is essential for the students. An hour-long lecture won’t matter if the students are unable to understand the topic that is being taught in the class. The education system is evolving to create a sustainable environment for all kinds of students, especially in regards to making classes more interesting to engage students in the class and have all their attention.
Today, the form of teaching has changed. Digital methods have taken over the conventional way of teaching. Schools in Bhubaneswar and around India are adopting this change. It is seen that the digital way of teaching is much more effective and helps students gather more information from what is being taught.
It is important for teachers to understand each and every student’s mindset and teach according to his/her understanding, even if it means that the teacher & the student has to stay back after the class. My teacher used to say, “if the topic is not clear ask a hundred times!” This is the kind of approach CBSE schools in BBSR have started to use in their teaching methods.

Best schools in Bhubaneshwar are adopting new ways to make learning in schools fun and interesting. There are certain points which can be used to encourage students to be attentive in class and make education fun:
1. Learn Names: This doesn’t sound much of a solution but somewhere in the mind of students they feel a connection. This’ll eliminate the anonymity with fellow classmates and teachers and will improve the participation. Calling them by their names will increase the attentiveness in the mind of students and they’ll stay more active during lectures.
2. Plan Ahead: True that not every class is the same as the previous one. Thus, a teacher has to strategize their approach. This will keep the students wondering and will set the tone in their minds for the future that today something new will be taught. So, the sense of ‘something new’ will keep them motivated.
3. Doubt Sessions: Students don’t get enough time to clear their doubts during classes. Hence, arranging a doubt session will help them to sort out their doubts and will encourage them to come up every time with new ones. Solving doubts during classes can be also done; the teacher at ODM Public School keeps the child engaged and asks them to ask for any doubts. This opens up the chance of mass participation.

4. Listen-Respond: The attitude of the teacher is very crucial. A teacher should be calm in mind and respectful while speaking. They’re not there just to teach but also to interact with the students. A teacher-student bond is very sacred. Both teacher and students have to do their part in building it. Thus, a teacher should listen to the problems of every student and develop a relationship on a personal level to keep the students encouraged.
A student will perform if he/she is satisfied on a physical and mental level. Student life is a very crucial one. Thus, have to be nurtured very carefully. It’s important that regular monitoring and counselling is done for a better future, arranging random debate sessions, educating them on general awareness, etiquettes and many more. These small steps can help them become an asset for themselves and for this country.