How Can Good Schools Help Create Future Leaders
A classroom comprises innovative minds that act as bricks cemented together as their talent contributing towards making the nation stronger. Students are like fragile argil and a school plays the role of a potter, giving them proper shape and direction. Thus a school plays a very important role in producing not only future leaders but future doctors, engineers, scientists, and foremost the constructive minded individuals.
A nation’s greatness depends on its leader. Cultivating a good leader is not an overnight process rather this process begins with the beginning of the student life of an individual and schools, of course, have an important part to play in it. Some of the best schools in Odisha like ODM Public School have already created a nurturing environment to encourage the budding leaders and mould them in a good shape for the interest of the nation. Here are a few ways in which schools can help to create future leaders:-

1. Leadership is not ancestral or genetic, it can be taught. Many top schools in Bhubaneswar have various student clubs and houses which contribute to developing the personality of students and help them in becoming a team player. These activities are mainly carried out in a way “for the students, by the students” and this is where the process of carving the future leaders is done. Selecting the presidents of various clubs and houses by defining the certain criteria and then giving them power to run various activities under the banner of their clubs/houses for the welfare of students is where students start deciphering the meaning between a dictator and leader and understand what people seek from them, what needs are to be addressed and prepare the action plan for the same.
2. Introducing students to the functioning of the government and encouraging them to have group discussions on governmental policies help in forming a constructive mindset of a student and ignite a leader within. Activities like Youth Parliament, Debates and Group Discussions on current affairs, Mock Elections, etc. make students more acquainted with government and it’s functioning in a fun way.
3. Student councils as in colleges and universities should be introduced in schools too to develop a healthy student culture right from the starting school years of a child. The student council is a very important body as far as grooming the future leaders is taken into account. School authorities should dictate the rules and regulations of the student council and elected members abiding those rules should fulfill the responsibilities assigned to them.
4. Boarding schools in Odisha like ODM Public School have hostel representatives each for girls and boys hostels. Hostel mess should also be managed by students by forming a mess committee having mess president, mess treasure and other members under the guidance of hostel rector and warden. This will also help in producing future leaders by imparting patience in their behaviour, time management to their schedule and skills in financial works.
The foundation of a strong nation lies within the mindset of its children because they are the future of that nation. Schools play a vital role in bringing up the student as leaders. With the implementation of the above-mentioned ways, schools can contribute to the nation’s progress by gifting some eloquent leaders.